Use cases overview
Based on the solutions, customers can implement specific use cases from IT Operation Management (ITOM)
Free trial In a nutshell NIS2 🇩🇪Management of IT desktop and workstation devices centralises the efficiency of recording and securing all desktop devices with desktop management. It enables proactive maintenance and support, reducing downtime and maximising user productivity.
Documentation of racks & slots in the data centre
Use to document the physical infrastructure in the form of racks and slots to create transparency, carry out capacity planning, facilitate maintenance work and minimise downtimes.
Manufacturer warranty management inventories hardware devices in the form of assets & configurations. With the warranty integration, customers can enrich the device asset with warranty details to actively manage them.
Network infrastructure management
With the network device infrastructure management you can inventory all relevant configurations about routers, switches, firewalls & network attached storages to ensuring auditability, security, hardening and compliance.
Efficiently determine IT protection requirement
This blog article shows how protection requirement assessments can be efficiently integrated into ITSM and how protection needs for all IT components can be derived automatically.
SSL/TLS certificates management
SSL/TLS certificates and certificate chains are essential elements for security and compatibility of a website or an application. helps to perform this task efficiently and ensure the quality and reliability of SSL/TLS certificates and their certificate chains.