core platform
The core concepts behind which make us a game changer
Free trial In a nutshell NIS2 🇩🇪State and any change per assets & configuration over the entire life cycle
State and any change per assets & configuration over the entire life cycle
The platform detects the change of an asset or configuration (instance in and stores it in a temporal database. We call this approach historicisation.
This means that the state of an instance at a specific point in time can be retrieved at any time. In Instance Viewer, every current status with all its chronological changes can be made visible and analysed.
Recognising relationships between instances turns data into information
Recognising relationships between instances turns data into information
Relationships can exist between assets & configurations. These represent an important extension of information. The original data sources only partially have this information.
In, we can use the topology service to automatically recognise and map such relationships. This means that relationships or dependencies between instances from any data source can be mapped.
And now we're going one step further - these relationships are also historised, so that relationships can also be mapped only for a limited period of time. A completely new data quality is thus available!
Full-stack business & IT approach

Full-stack business & IT approach
All business-relevant assets and configuration items from all levels of an organisation can be captured, historicised, topologised and stored in a central repository.
This is made possible by the OneImporter, which captures data from a wide range of enterprise data sources. This allows to detect and post-process all changes at all levels of an organisation. Fully automated and digital!
Open data model
Open data model
A server instance is multi-client capable. The imported data is therefore always uniquely assigned to one environment. Only users with the appropriate access authorisation have access to the asset & configuration data.
Any number of instances of different business and IT entities can be stored in each environment. Each instance can contain its specific attributes and each storage of an instance represents a change to it.
The design of your attributes and data structure in an instance or a change is completely up to you!