Conferences & events

Meet at conferences & events

Free trial In a nutshell NIS2 🇩🇪
Operative IT-Sicherheit einfach umgesetzt 🇩🇪

Operative IT-Sicherheit einfach umgesetzt 🇩🇪

Der Angriff auf IT-Systeme ist Alltag. Wir möchten Ihnen in der Web-Session einen Einblick geben, wie Sie präventive Sicherheitsmaßnahmen auf technisch operativer Ebene zeitnah und leicht umsetzen.

Auto documentation of IT landscapes

Auto documentation of IT landscapes

Find out how you can use to document IT infrastructures and application landscapes fully automatically, always keep the documentation up to date and no longer miss any changes in your IT.

Business resilience conference in Berlin

Business resilience conference in Berlin demonstrate innovative approaches for the digitalization of governance, risk & compliance and Information Security Management System at Business Resilience conference from 22.-23.06.2022 of the IBCRM e.V. in Berlin.

Product lifecycle & security compliance

Product lifecycle & security compliance

Do you want to monitor the status of product versions, patches and end-of-life (EOL) of hardware and software products in your company? See a live-demo of a recorded web session!

Change Requests Automatisierung 🇩🇪

Change Requests Automatisierung 🇩🇪

In der 30-minütigen WebSession erläutert Ihnen Matthias Scholze den Ansatz von zur Erstellung von automatisierbaren Change Requests sowie deren Überwachung und Dokumentation.

Automation der Kostenverrechnung

Automation der Kostenverrechnung

In der GI-Fachgruppe IT-Controlling stellen Frau Altmann und Herr Scholze die Ergebnisse der Masterthesis 'Kostenverrechnung von dynamisch genutzten Ressourcen automatisieren' vor.


Meet at COMPLIANCEforBANKS will demonstrate innovative approaches for the digitalization of governance, risk & compliance at COMPLIANCEforBANKS from 10-11.05.2022 in Cologne.

What else you can do with Dynatrace data!

What else you can do with Dynatrace data!

In this Dynatrace Observability Clinic Andreas Grabner and Matthias Scholze shows what customers can get out of Dynatrace data besides observability and monitoring.

Meet at ITSM HORIZON 2021

Meet at ITSM HORIZON 2021

Meet and get an insight into configuration & change management in a new dimension. Be part of the 3D online congress ITSM HORIZON 2021. as guest at the Performance Clinic as guest at the Performance Clinic

Learn more about at the next Dynatrace Performance Clinic on October 22, 2019. This PerfClinic focuses on custom solutions using the Dynatrace API and presents as good example of an intelligent extension.

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