Proxmox Virtual Environment CMDB importer
Import, historize and process virtualized infrastracture configuration items
Free trial In a nutshell NIS2 🇩🇪Incredible historized and topologized view of Proxmox Virtual Environment configuration items
Incredible historized and topologized view of Proxmox Virtual Environment configuration items
The state of the host port is continuously monitored by the OneImporter and transmitted to the platform. The platform checks whether a change has been made and saves it. This creates an auditable and audit-proof database of all changes in your company.
In addition to the historical storage of instance changes in, the relationships to other instances can also be identified. This is also possible to instances from other data sources and thus increases the possibilities to validate or process data depending on its context.
Integration takes less than 5 minutes to import Proxmox Virtual Environment configuration items into CMDB
Integration takes less than 5 minutes to import Proxmox Virtual Environment configuration items into CMDB
The Proxmox Virtual Environment CMDB importer is based on the PVE REST API that is provided to manage the virtualized infrastructure automatically. You can define which of the topology-, configuration- and event data you want to import into Furthermore, it is possible to relate Proxmox Virtual Environment CIs to CIs from other data sources (for example Dynatrace, Instana etc.) in
Unlock the value of Proxmox Virtual Environment data
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Proxmox PVE importer configuration manual
The Proxmox Virtual Environment (PVE) CMDB importer provides you with the technical solution to import the data of your virtualized IT infrastructure into
Supported inventory detections & integrations
The OneImporter supports ready to use importers for full-stack inventory and integration of third-party solutions/platforms.
OneImporter & OneGate core concepts
The OneImporter & OneGate revolutionizes the automated inventory of data into an asset & configuration inventory (CMDB) by reducing the technical effort required.
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